International Finance

Category : Business Leaders

Editor’s Epistle

2014 looks good, but read us to stay ahead! January 2014 On behalf of the entire International Finance Magazine team let me first wish all our readers and clients a very happy and prosperous New Year. Welcome to the brave new world of 2014. The past year was tough. According to the International Monetary Fund’s...

Paul Kagame: Digital President Leading a Technology Movement

By Uwimana Basaninyenzi. 4th December 2013 Paul Kagame, the President of Rwanda, has been dubbed the “digital president” by international organizations, journalists, and politicians alike. A recent article inWired Magazine provides a compelling review of numerous technology initiatives that President Kagame has spearheaded in the last decade, making it clear why he’s been given this title....

U.S. Economists Win Nobel for Predicting Asset Prices

Robert J. Shiller from the University of Yale, Eugene Fama and Lars Peters Hansen from the University of Chicago, won the $ 1.23 million prize for forecasting intermediate term moves in asset prices. 15th October 2013 When the world is talking about the shut down in U.S., possible repercussions of the shut down, much hyped...

The Most Powerful Central Banker in the World

Yellen, 67, presently the vice-chairwoman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System will be the first woman to head the central bank in its 100 year old history. 10th October 2013 At a time where women are taking over coveted positions in corporates and other sectors, the banking sector is no exception....

Architect of Austerity Angela Merkel Re-Elected

International Finance Desk
Chancellor Angela Merkel won a historic election victory on Sunday as her conservatives scored their best result since reunification in 1990. 23rd September 2013 German Chancellor Angela Merkel scored a resounding victory against her rivals in the national elections in Germany and in the process becoming the only major leader to be re-elected twice since...

History’s Infamous Swindler

End of an Unscrupulous Game- Pulled down by “The Boston Post” 11th August 2013 According to U.S. Financial Regulator Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), ponzi schemes are a kind of pyramid scheme which operate on the principle of “Rob Peter to pay Paul”. Fraudulent firms lure investors with large returns and take money from new...

E-commerce Pioneer- Jeff Bezos

Bezos quit a lucrative career in finance with a New York City Hedge Fund where he learned about the rapid growth in internet use. 7th August 2013 He has been rated highly by Warren Buffet, who calls Bezos as the best CEO in the United States for his business acumen and unmatched creativity. Entrepreneur and...

Can Jose “Maverick” Mourinho End Premier League Drought for Chelsea

Jose Mourinho proclaimed that he is “The Happy One” on his return to Chelsea, adding that he is calmer and a better manager than he has ever been. 17th June 2013 “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”, goes a popular adage. Jose Mourinho, the temperamental coach must have felt exactly the same when he was...