International Finance

Category : Fintech

EU Backloading Bill Gets Nod of European Parliament

Members of the European parliament voted in favor by 344 to 311, with 46 abstentions, of delaying the auction of 900 million carbon dioxide emission permits, a process termed as backloading. 8th July 2013 Prices of carbon on the market rose by 12 % after the European Parliament voted yesterday in favor of EU emissions...

Singapore Faces “Stiff Opposition” over Regressive Internet Rules

The new regressive rules have been rebuked by Asia Internet Coalition (AIC) set up in 2011 by Google, Facebook, Yahoo and eBay to lobby for open access to the internet and promote e-commerce. 7th July 2013 Singapore’s move to tighten regulation of news web sites has attracted criticisms from unexpected quarters; large internet firms with...

Singapore Airlines orders ‘stretched’ Dream-liners

SIA has placed an order to secure the first of 30 of the next generation Boeing 787’s, the 787-10X. Singapore Airlines(SIA) has ordered the first stretched version of 787 Dreamliner, giving a ‘shot in the arm’ to Boeing’s plans to offer a 320 seat jet on crowded Asian routes. The stretched dreamliner was among the...

Hacking and Data Laws Widens the Scope of Cyber Liability Insurance in Europe

In the United States cyber cover has grown to be a market worth more than $ 1 billion in annual premiums, but Europe has not followed suit, even after a series of high profile, costly, hacking incidents. 24 June 2013 European insurers have received a shot in the arm to bolster their cover for companies...

Payment Behaviour: Small businesses lag behind large Businesses but press ahead of Individuals in their use of Technology

Understanding the payment behaviour of UK businesses in Domestic Market is vital. The Payments Council published the findings of its research, exploring the payments that UK businesses make and receive. The findings reveal that, small businesses are lagging some way behind larger businesses, but seem to be more savvy than individuals in terms of adoption...

Technological Advancements Driving Financial Service

Financial service organizations are seeking to become more innovative and entrepreneurial as they are adopting new technologies to increase their efficiency and provide satisfaction to their consumers. Financial services is a term used to refer the services provided by the financial market. This term is also used to describe organizations that deal with the management...

Top 10 Tips for Managing and Making Sense of Big Data

”Big Data” refers to the unmanageable amount of data being driven by a connected world. Posted by Richard Jenkins It is becoming a challenge that companies need to address – quickly – in order to not just stay competitive, but to remain as a valid option in their sector. However, with big data comes Big Infrastructure....

Mobile Technology Leads Innovation in Southern Africa

Seventy-five percent of the world’s population has access to mobile phones and innovators need to come up with ideas that can strengthen agribusiness and tourism sectors through mobile gadgets. Technology business leaders, mobile experts, future entrepreneurs and more recently gathered at the Botswana Innovation Hub for a week of workshops, trainings, moderated discussions and networking...

Tackling Climate Change with a Robust Carbon Price

The need for Working towards global carbon trading Even as the first generation of the carbon market stutters, a robust price on carbon has never been more important if we are to avert dangerous climate change. Current greenhouse gas emission pledges place the world on a trajectory for warming of well over 2°C, even if...

Leveraging Technology for Disaster Risk Management

Lessons from Japanese disaster will contribute to strengthening disaster preparedness in other nations. Otsuchi Town in Japan’s Iwate Prefecture was struck hard by the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. More than 800 people lost their lives, including the mayor, and 500 people remain missing. Vital information and communication technology (ICT) services...