International Finance

Tag : Communications

Social Initiatives

Houston’s challenges highlight opportunities for work in sustainability

Research shows 87% of CSR/sustainability professionals are embedded throughout different departments within an organisation, ranging from human resources to operations...

Verizon to buy Yahoo for $4.8 billion

Yahoo to sell its email service, news, sports in addition to its advertising tools IFM Correspondent July 25, 2016: Yahoo’s board has agreed to sell the company’s core internet operations and land holdings to Verizon Communications for $4.8 billion. After the sale, Yahoo shareholders will be left with about $41 billion in investments in the...
Business Leaders

Nasdaq launches new tool for marketing professionals

The tool will help leverage industry influencers July 15, 2016: Nasdaq’s Corporate Solutions business has launched Nasdaq Influencers, a new solution designed specifically for communications and marketing professionals to discover and connect with the most relevant thought leaders in their industry and uncover new opportunities to share their news and information, insights and recommendations as...