International Finance

Tag : mining


PM wants Australia to move from mining to startups

Prompted by downturn in mining industry Suparna Goswami Bhattacharya March 1, 2016: Every country at some point or the other goes through a transformation phase where it decides to explore a new industry or a sector. Currently, Australia is in that phase. It is no secret that Australia for long has rested on wealth from...
Business Leaders

Why everyone is talking about Africa

Over the past two decades, Africa has grown from a region dominated by problems, risks, and hazards to one of opportunity and possibility Miriam Mannak February 13, 2015: Up until recently, Africa was a place best avoided. Apart from its natural resources, the continent was deemed pretty much insignificant. This notion has changed fundamentally over...

A Billion-dollar Opportunity for Developing Countries

BY OTAVIANO CANUTO. 19th November 2013 The decision last week by the Swiss government to sign the OECD’s somewhat lengthily named Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters is the latest of a series of developments that have radically increased the amount and quality of tax information available to governments. For developing countries, being...