International Finance

Tag : social


A new kind of social post

Enables UK adults to send embedded money on social media April 6, 2016: A new app has given a fresh meaning to the idea of posting “rich content” online by allowing users to transfer money using social channels.  Where “rich content” once meant images or video, the XOPO app enables users to send money directly...

Email marketing still the preferred choice

Generates better ROI when compared to other channels Suparna Goswami Bhattacharya May 21, 2015: In today’s day and age, there are many tools and ways to market your product and company. The advent of social media has obviously made marketing much more dynamic. In this context, it is but natural to think that the era...
Business Leaders

Web posts can make or break your career

Recruiters are increasingly gauging the suitability of candidates by looking up their posts on social media Suparna Goswami Bhattacharya May 7, 2015: That LinkedIn and Facebook are used by companies to hunt for the right candidate is well known. But now more and more firms are going beyond and using other social media platforms, like...