International Finance

Tag : State


Zaiwalla & Co welcomes Iran’s nuclear deal

The solicitor gives thumbs up to the framework agreement reached with the P5+1 countries April 8, 2015: Zaiwalla & Co, the solicitors who overturned both the United Kingdom’s and European Union’s sanctions against Iranian banks, welcomed the  framework agreement which has been reached between the P5+1 countries and Iran relating to Iran’s nuclear programme. This...

Russia seeks a bite of Latin America

Renewing and strengthening ties in a bid to alleviate food shortages back home Kamilia Lahrichi April 2, 2015: Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov courted Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia and Guatemala during a four-day visit to South America in March 2015 to boost bilateral trade, as food shortage is hitting his country hard. Last year, Moscow banned...
Business Leaders

Islamic State: America’s new nemesis

International Finance Desk
The recent turn of events in the Middle-East has raised several pressing questions such as the reason for the US authorising air strikes in Iraq this August Sharan Lal September 30, 2014: The gruesome beheading of two American journalists and a British aid worker in the months of August 2014 and September 2014 have once...