International Finance

Tag : summit


Greece calls for continued Arab investment

EU-Arab World Summit drew more than 40 companies and financial institutions of the Arab world IFM Correspondent November 8, 2016: The Greek economy is recovering and stabilising after emerging from a six-year crisis. It is a crucial time for Greece and the world is closely watching every move. At the EU-Arab World Summit held in...

EU and Canada sign historic free trade agreement

CETA was almost derailed by objections from the Wallonia region in Belgium November 4, 2016: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau flew to Brussels on the weekend to attend an EU-Canada Summit which had been delayed for three days because of opposition in Belgium to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). Belgium came back to...
Business Leaders

Clinton accuses Russia of interference in US presidential election

Says President Vladimir Putin sees Trump victory as an advantage IFM Correspondent September 6, 2016: Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has accused Russia of interfering with the US elections. “It is almost unthinkable”, Clinton said referring to reports of Russia’s alleged involvement in US elections citing the hacking of Democratic National Committee’s emails. “We’ve never had...

Private Sector – an integral part of climate action post Paris

The private sector was more broadly represented in Paris than at any previous COP January 7, 2016: December 2015 marked a historic climate agreement in Paris signed by 195 countries pledging to take actions to keep global warming to under 2 degrees Celsius — the threshold scientists predict will result in irreversible warming and planetary...

Global business community comes to Paris for climate talks

Come up with solutions for taking on the climate challenge across the board December 8, 2015: Nearly 400 business leaders gather at the Lima-Paris Action Agenda Focus on Business in Paris on Tuesday, calling for a strong Paris climate change agreement to help them implement the unprecedented set of cross-cutting corporate actions on climate which...

‘Ecosystem for SMEs in Oman is still nascent’

Adham Al Said spoke to IFM about the initiatives taken by His Majesty and challenges ahead IFM Correspondent September 2, 2015 SMEs play a major role in any economy. How is it in Oman? Recent reports and studies have suggested that SMEs form approximate 90% of active businesses. Their contribution to GDP is estimated to...

‘Salary is not the only criteria to attract top talent’

Suhail Masri, VP of Sales, says SMEs in the GCC can compete with larger MNCs IFM Correspondent September 1, 2015 With MNCs spreading their wings, are local SMEs losing potentially good employees to these bigger companies? The state of talent in SMEs in Oman is positive. After all, Oman attracts top talent from all...
Business Leaders

Guiding light for SMEs in Oman

Startup Oman aims to connect Oman’s entire SME ecosystem Suparna Goswami Bhattacharya August 24, 2015: Entrepreneurship is a great equaliser. Across the globe, entrepreneurs may come from varied backgrounds, but the language of entrepreneurship unites them. And testimony to this is the story of Startup Oman, a one-stop shop community for SMEs. The founders —...
Islamic Banking

For Luxembourg, €200mn bond was just a start

The Grand Duchy has a long history of working with the Islamic sector, but is not content to rest on its laurels Tim Evershed December 17, 2014: The government of Luxembourg is ready to help Islamic finance move into the mainstream financial markets with a raft of initiatives. The Grand Duchy has a long history...