International Finance

Tag : tax

FinanceWealth Management

Get your tax affairs in order

Raids on Google in Spain and France indicate just how much importance is being placed on tax evasion by authorities across the world Aziz Rahman August 10, 2016: In June, tax inspectors raided Google’s offices in Madrid, Spain. Just over a month earlier, dozens of investigators went into Google’s offices in Paris, France to examine...

India clears historic GST Bill

Likely to benefit through growth in investments and revenue August 4, 2016: With the passage of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Constitutional Amendment of Bill in the Upper House of Parliament on August 4, a decade-long wait finally came to an end. Many term it as the next big reform in India after liberalisation...

Saudi Arabia mulling over income tax on expats

However, economists do not think the plan will see the light of the day Suparna Goswami Bhattacharya July 15, 2016: With an eye on increasing its non-oil revenue, Saudi Arabia is considering a plan to tax millions of expats residing in the Kingdom. The proposal was included in the country’s National Transformation Plan (NTP), an...

Too early for a fair assessment

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has shown great resolve in trying to tackle problems faced by the Indian economy in its first year in office Giovanni Puglisi June 15, 2015: Since the election one year ago, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has energetically toured the world meeting foreign political and business leaders, promoting his government...

Changing the rules of the game

A look at the laws governing tax residency in India Pallavi Singhal May 28, 2015: Tax residency is at the core of any taxation system as it determines the sovereign right of a country to tax income. The tax residency determines whether a tax payer is liable to pay tax on global income or source...

A Billion-dollar Opportunity for Developing Countries

BY OTAVIANO CANUTO. 19th November 2013 The decision last week by the Swiss government to sign the OECD’s somewhat lengthily named Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters is the latest of a series of developments that have radically increased the amount and quality of tax information available to governments. For developing countries, being...